Spring is in the air and park season is upon us. All of us parents, weary from passing endless hours indoors, break out of our shells, stretch and yawn, opening our eyes to the bright sunshine. It’s time to head outside. And I know what you need: coffee. If I had a nickel for every …
You’ve got to love a weekend that ends with the first day of spring! Congrats, fellow parents, we’ve made it!! Special events really start to pick up around Columbus in the spring and summer and this weekend begins the Easter Egg Hunt season (is that a thing?). Makes sure you read to the end for some …
My kids and I have played outside 3 days this week – that means it’s spring, right? Also, don’t forget to “spring forward” this Sunday! Those of us with early risers might get to “sleep in” for a week or so until the little ones adjust! I’ve never looked forward to losing an hour of …
I don’t consider myself a lazy person, but the longer I’ve spent in the house, the harder I find it to leave. And it’s certainly not because I’m a homebody or someone who is content just hanging around the house with two small creatures who can exert more energy in a single hour than I exert …